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A Rainbow Bridge Over The Precinct

Mikey (in foreground) enjoys a snack at the Precinct colony.


Mikey, the last survivor of OAR’s first successful Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) colony, died at the age of 15 years on July 22 after a long life enriched by the loving care of Pam Stewart.

For the cats originally living behind the Precinct restaurant, TNR fulfilled its promise of food, water, shelter and oversight to support a healthy, safe outdoor life for feral cats until the colony disappears by attrition.

OAR fought to protect this colony from neighbors who threatened them despite efforts at education about TNR. Several volunteers attended community meetings and distributed educational materials describing TNR but eventually the colony had to be moved for its own protection. With support from OAR, Pam accepted her much-loved feral colony into her yard and cared for them faithfully.

Pam would like to express her gratitude to everyone who supported her through this experience. As she says, “OAR and I learned together about TNR and colony care. I am so grateful to have had help from people who care about me and the cats.”

Although every feral colony has its own special aspects and wonderful cats, as our first true success, the Precinct colony will always hold a special place in our hearts.

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